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| Subject Area 1: Early Childhood and Adolescence — Including, for example, Learning through play; Parental involvement; Peer pressure; Preschool literacy; Sex roles and gender bias; etc. | Subject Area 2: Adult Learning — Including, for example, Adult literacy; Curriculum planning and design; Instructional strategies; Motivation; etc. | Subject Area 3: Educating and Training Learners in Disciplines — Including, for example, Arts Education; Economics Education; Environmental Education; Health Education; Mathematics Education; Science Education; etc. | Subject Area 4: Theory and Practice of Teaching, Training, and Learning — Including, for example, Assessment; Classroom Management; Didactics; Distance Education and e/m-Learning; Educational Theory; Guidance and Counselling; Instructional Design and Engineering; Mentoring and Coaching; Pedagogy; Self-Regulated Learning; Special and Inclusive Education; Teacher Education and Development; Technologies for Learning; etc. | Subject Area 5: Perspective-Guided Analyses of Education — Including, for example, Comparative and International Education; Gender and Education; Institutional Research; Science approaches to Education (e.g., Brain, Neurosciences, and Education, etc.); Social sciences and Human sciences approaches to Education (Economics of Education, Educational Psychology, History of Education, Sociology of Education, Philosophy of Education, etc.); etc. | Subject Area 6: Policy, Administration, and Management of Education — Including, for example, Education Policy; Educational Administration; Management of Education; Managing Educational Research; etc. | Subject Area 7: Methodology of Educational Research — Including, for example, Epistemology of Educational Research; Qualitative Research Methods; Quantitative Research Methods; Mixed Research Methods; etc. |